Friday, January 17, 2014

31 Days to a Cleaner Home-Day 11: Who are you?

Who are you?

As I type those words two scenes from The Lion King come to mind.
If you don't know who you are then you won't know how to make your personality work for you.

I have been learning a lot about who I am lately.
I am not a Type A personality.
I am not very organized.
I am not naturally a tidy person.

As women especially we compare ourselves to others. 
We get entangled by the desire to be someone other than who God created us to be.
We say things to ourselves that we would never say to someone else.
Think about it.
Would you go over to your best friend and say the same degrading things you say to yourself?
Of course not!

We're great at being everyone else's cheerleaders.
We cheer our kids on in school or sports.
We cheer our spouse on in their job.
We cheer our friends on in their lives.
We cheer on everyone else except ourselves.

The comparison trap has spun a thick web for me too friends.
We have to be on guard and watch what we say to ourselves.
The words that no one else can hear can be the most lethal.

While I may not be the things above I have learned that I am the following.
I am more of a Type B personality.
I am teachable and love to learn.
And while my home will never be photographed for better homes and gardens,
I am capable of maintaining my home and having it be a place of life.

So who are you?
What do you need to do to start cheering yourself on?
Instead of comparing yourself to the friend who has an easy time 
with being a homemaker, ask her about what works for her. 
What does her cleaning schedule look like?
What does she do on a daily basis that makes keeping up easier?
If she's a real genuine friend believe me, she won't judge you or love you less for it.
Instead she'll love you through it and be blessed that you're asking. 
[Experience talking here.]

Today I want you to watch the words you say to yourself.
Look up Ephesians 4:29. Write it out and put it somewhere that you'll see it.
Wash the windows and the mirrors. 
Let the sun light in and fill the room and fill your heart.
Remember as you look in the mirror to see yourself as Christ sees you and the way other see you, don't pick out the things you think are bad about yourself. Someone else might just admire those very things about you.

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