Sunday, March 27, 2011


Yep, that word seems to sum up my life as of lately... especially my house. Ugh. 
Loads of clean unfolded laundry piled high on both the couch and one of our chairs leaving only one chair able to be sat in,Loads of dishes that have been waiting to be done for what feels like forever, Piles of bags of jars of baby food that my son refuses to eat, 
unopened mail, garbage, dirt, junk, trash, dirty diapers,....AH!!! 

"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace" 1 Corinthians 14:33 

The other morning as I was doing my devotions I came across this verse. 
That is how I feel as of right now when I look around my house. 
I feel guilty about taking a few minutes to sit down and relax when there are so many things that I SHOULD be doing. And quite frankly it drives me crazy to look at! 

I think the hopes that we won't be living here for much longer has allowed me to put things off and not deal with how much stuff we have or finding permanent places for things. But I'm realizing more and more that if I take the time to deal with the Stuff now when we do finally get a place of our own it'll be easier to move with less. 

I want to be able to sit in my own house and be at peace. To be able to just relax and love on my boys. I know there are things that still have to be done on a daily basis but once the major stuff is complete the keeping up will be much easier. 

So with all of that being said, I am setting a goal of finding things a permanent place, organizing my house, and getting rid of the junk we don't need! I would like to set a definitive time that I will feel like the house is completely organized. However, I know that I do have a 9 month old in the house who some days does not allow for me to get much done and thats ok. I will be blogging about what I do accomplish the days I am able to work on things as well as letting you know how many bags/boxes of junk I am able to get out of here! (Even if it may be disgustingly embarrassing.) And maybe hopefully this will inspire you to be able to make your house/room/office space/whatever else a place of peace. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Paradigm Shift

The dictionary defines a paradigm shift as a radical change in underlying beliefs or theory, a fundamental change in approach or assumptions, and acceptance by a majority of a changed belief,attitude, or way of doing things.

A couple of weeks ago my Pastor did a sermon that couldn't have been any more perfect.
He was talking about how our "Beliefs determine the Decisions we make and those Decisions result in the Outcomes of our lives. If we want to have better outcomes its not just a matter of re-deciding some things but evaluating what we really believe." 

This is exactly what I am going through currently. A major shift in some of my underlying beliefs, a change in my approach, and a change in my way of doing things. As well as hopefully a change of attitude. This Blog will be documenting my paradigm shift and the changes my family and I will be going through. I know it will not be an instant change but I am looking forward to the change. My personal paradigm shift started months ago but just as of recently has it begun to really make sense as well as take shape. I know I have a long ways to go but I am enjoying the transformations so far. 

So this blog is about My Paradigm Shift. In this I will be sharing the change in my Beliefs, the different decisions I make, and the outcome of this whole journey.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Reasons for blogging

I have decided to blog again. I use to have a blog on a different website and due to several different reasons I needed to create a new blog and start fresh. But before I begin to blog I feel I need to share the reasons I am going to begin blogging again. So here they are,
My Reasons for Blogging:

1) There are things I am trying to work on in my life to better myself and my family's life and I am thinking this may help keep me accountable. 

2) I am a young wife. I have several other friends who are also young wives and there is a lot of transitioning that goes along with becoming someone's help-mate, counterpart, love, spouse, other half. And though I do not have this whole thing down pat yet I'm thinking it would be nice to be able to share in my struggles as a wife with other soon-to-be wives/recently wives. 

3) I am a young mom and I know there are several other young moms out there that may possibly be feeling the same things I am. And though I do not want this blog to become a place to just gripe and complain (as I LOVE being a mommy!) but there are those days where you didn't get dressed till it was almost time to go to bed, only fed your family a quick little not much to talk about meal, and you just feel like pulling your hair out! I want to be able to share in the joys, tears, fears, and privilege of motherhood. 

4) I am still a woman. This is one of those things that is sometimes hard to remember as a wife and mother that I am still a woman. I am finding more and more as a stay-at-home/work-from-home mom and wife that I NEED some sort of outlet that is mine. I am hoping that maybe this will give that to me? I know I will probably be blogging a lot about my boys (husband and son) but I also want to be able to give myself that time. 

5) Accountability. I know I somewhat touched on this already but now to tell a little bit more about what this means for me. I am thinking of taking on some Challenges. And though I do not know what all of what they will include I do know that if there is a slight chance that someone will be reading my blog and "checking up" on me that will help me to be more consistent with completing my goals. 

So here it first blog towards becoming a better me. A better Woman, Wife, and Mother.