I have a fantastic guest review and giveaway for you today!
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I am so, so excited to bring you this review and giveaway! After 5 kids, our old stroller was looking pretty rough. So when I got the opportunity to try out the new
Catalyst Stoller from Combi, I was thrilled! The stroller looked amazing and when they offered to include the
Shuttle Infant car seat, I jumped at the chance! A few days later, I came home to two big boxes on the porch. I took the infant seat out first.

One thing I love about this seat is that it accommodates infants from birth to 35 lb and 33 in. Seats we've had in the past only went up to 20lbs and my boys had outgrown them by the time they were 6 months old. Little Miss will be able to use this seat for a long time!

The Shuttle features the EZ Harness™ Height Adjustment System which makes it SUPER easy to adjust harness to fit your child perfectly! You just turn the red headrest adjustment knob and slide it up or down to position the shoulder harness slots right at or just below the shoulders. Tightening the straps is just as easy! To loosen the straps you just push on the button located on the middle of the front of the seat. To tighten the straps you simply pull the strap. This is SO nice this time of year when Little Miss is wearing a sweater or coat one day but doesn't need it the next.

I also really like how padded the seat is. It's nice knowing that baby girl is comfy in her seat. I found that the Shuttle seat was easier to carry than my old one. The handle just seemed to fit in the crook of my elbow better. Of course, safety is the most important factor in a seat and the Shuttle delivers on that as well. It features the Tru-Safe® Anti-Rebound Bar (ARB) and Tru-Safe® Side Impact Protection (SIP) which provide superior protection in the event of a accident. I did notice that the Shuttle can be a little harder to get out of the base but at the same time, it also feels very secure once it's snapped in.
After trying out the seat, I opened up the Catalyst.

It was super easy to assemble and comes with a travel system adapter and a reversible seat/bassinet. An infant seat snaps securely on to the adapter and it also has the added safety feature of a strap that snaps around the infant seat.

I really like the looks of the Catalyst. It's very well made and the design is eye catching. I love having the option of using the seat as a bassinet. Little Miss tends to fall asleep during walks so this is perfect! I don't have to worry about her slumping over. Plus, if she does fall asleep, I can just remove the entire bassinet and carry her inside without waking her up! The fact that you can have your little one face you or face outward is a huge bonus. This is true even when using the seat in the baby or toddler seat position. The five-point harness system keeps Little Miss snug and secure in the seat as well.

The canopy on this stroller is amazing! The ones on our previous strollers have not been big enough to fully shade a little one. This canopy is very large and shielded Little Miss completely from the sun. It also has a mesh window that allowed me to take a peek at her during walks and allowed for air circulation. One feature my hubby really appreciated was the fact that the handle easily adjusts for different heights. And can I just say, I LOVE the large cargo space in the bottom of the stroller! Other strollers we've had had a tiny little compartment that I had to fight with just to get a bag in or out of. This one has tons of space and I was easily able to access both my purse and diaper bag.

The bassinet transforms from a bassinet to two different seat positions by pulling on the gray latch on the back of the seat. There is also a strap that connects under the end of the seat to create the bend for your little one's legs. You can adjust the incline of the seat using the pull strap on the back of the seat as well. I was also really impressed with how well the Catalyst maneuvered . It was very easy to push and turn and provided a nice smooth ride. The only downside for me was that although it folds up easily, it is a little bulky. However, the fact that it can be used in so many ways makes it worth it. The Catalyst Stroller can be used up to 50lbs so we are able to use it for Little Miss, our almost 3-year old and even out 5-year old! The kids are loving it and knowing that they are riding in comfort makes it a hit with me as well!
Check out the
Combi website to learn more about the Catalyst and Shuttle and to find a retailer near you! Thanks to the very generous people at Combi, one VERY lucky reader will win a Catalyst stroller for themselves. That's a value of $379!!
Disclosure: I received the above product to facilitate the review. The product(s) offered for the giveaway are free of charge, no purchase necessary. Any opinions expressed are my own honest opinions and are not influenced by any form of compensation. This giveaway is not in any way endorsed by or affiliated with Facebook. Thankful For Thorns is not responsible for the delivery of the prize.