Tuesday, August 27, 2013

25 Things About Me.

I was wandering around the blog-sphere and stumbled upon Meg @SheDoesJustice post on 25 things you might not know about me. I thought it would be fun to join in this link up. So here it is, 25 things you might not know about me! 
1: I am the oldest of two.
2: I married my best friend when I was 19 and gave birth to our first baby at 20.
3: I love American Sign Language and before getting married my plan was to be an interpreter.
4: I was homeschooled 6th-12th Grades but before that went to a Christian school.
5: I went to Africa on a missions trip when I was 16 on a foot washing team. A call God placed on my heart when I was a little girl.
6: I hate feet.
7: I am terrified of spiders.
8: I love the song "Its been a long day" by Rosi Golan. And on rough days I'll put it on repeat to remind me to finish strong. 
9: I have only lived in two houses in my entire life. The one I grew up in and the one we live in now. Praying that the next time I move it's into our forever home. I.Hate.Moving.
10: I LOVE COFFEE! (ok so you probably knew this one.) Especially when there is hazelnut in it.
11: My favorite Bible verse is James 1:27
12: Both of my childbirths were unmediated but both complicated. One almost required a blood transfusion and the second required a D&C. 
13: I babysit two kids 4 days a week.
14: I genuinely love my church and feel so at home there.
15: I dream of traveling. Greece, Fiji, Paris, Hawaii (again), every state, and Ireland.
16: We cloth diaper (you probably knew this already as well.) out of necessity at first and now out of love for my baby's bum, things reusable, and to continue to save money.
17: I have known my husband almost half of my life. We met when I was 13 and I knew my life would never be the same. We would start dating 4 years later and married 6 years after meeting.
18: I love to read.
19: I am currently reading Money Saving Tips for a Stay At Home Mom. I am the spender in the family and am trying to change this so we can get out of debt.
20: I really enjoy painting my nails and doing fun designs on them. It makes me feel feminine in a house full of boys.
21: I use to hate wearing dresses and skirts until I hit 20 and now I love it.
22: I prefer to be barefoot or in flip flops. 
23: I use to have my hair so long I could sit on it but now I never have my hair past the middle of my back.
24: I love to do crafts. Sewing, scrapbooking, crocheting, kniting, card making, doodling, beading, you name it I probably do it or would like to learn how!
25: Most importantly I am a child of God.
You can go HERE to see other blogger's 25 things.

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